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Time and Date

Open the Time and Date dialog to set the camera's date, time, time zone and time server settings.

The operating system's clock is synchronized with the real-time clock at boot time and every 6 hours. To avoid differences caused by minor offsets of the real-time clock, the camera can synchronize the real-time clock using an external time server. You can choose between these two protocols:


Note: The camera has to be able to access the time server using the local network or an ISDN connection.
Caution! Never use the NTP (RFC 1305) protocol if the camera can only access the time server using an ISDN connection. The limits set in Dial-Out Accounting could be reached very quickly. The camera will stop sending messages and will not transmit any images!

Description of Parameters

Parameter Description

In order to set the date manually, enter the date in the respective text boxes using the format YYYY-MM-DD.

Enter the time in the respective text boxes according to the selected time zone using the format HH MM SS.

Click on the corresponding Set button to the right of a text box to set the camera clock.


  • You can only use digits for entering the date and the time.
  • This section of the dialog is only displayed if you deactivate the Adjust periodically checkbox and click on the Set button.
Your Computer Click on the Set button to adjust the camera clock the the date and time of your computer.
Time Server Click on the Set button in this line to copy the date and time of the specified time server to the camera.
Time Zone

Select the correct time zone for the camera location.

Note: If you have changed the time zone, you should store the settings of this dialog permanently by clicking on the Set button, then the Close button. Make sure that you reboot the camera before you proceed!
Time Server
NTP (RFC 1305)

To synchronize the camera with a time server providing NTP (RFC 1305, Network Time Protocol), do the following:

  • Enter the IP address of up to three Time Servers that send the time data according to RFC 1305.
  • Click on the Set button at the bottom of the dialog.
  • If you would like to manually synchronize the time, click on the Set button behind Time Server in the Set Clock to section (Adjust periodically has to be activated). If an error message is displayed at the bottom of the dialog, check the IP address of the time server.
  • If you would like to synchronize the clock automatically, activate the Adjust periodically option and click on Set at the bottom of the dialog.

Click on the view link to see the output of the camera's NTP client. The information is displayed in different colors: If the time server can be reached, the NTP client are amber, if the camera clock is synchronized, the output is green. Note: only one time server will be used. Be patient—synchronizing the clock using NTP may take some time.

To use the camera as a timeserver for other cameras do the following:

  • Set one of the time server IP addresses of one of your cameras in the network to This camera can now work as a time server for the other cameras. You should enter other "real" time servers so that the "time server" camera can synchronize its clock with a time server. Activating the Adjust periodically option will start the camera's NTP services (client and server).
  • Enter this camera's IP address as a time server for all other cameras on your network and activate the Adjust periodically option on all cameras.
Time Server
Time Protocol (RFC 868)

To synchronize the camera with a timeserver providing the Time Protocol (RFC 868), do the following:

  • Enter the IP address of a Time Server that sends the time data according to RFC 868.
  • Activate the Adjust periodically checkbox to automatically synchronize the time.
  • Click on the Set button at the bottom of the dialog.
  • In the Time Server line of the Set Clock to section, click on the Set button. If an error message is displayed at the bottom of the dialog, check the IP address of the time server.
Hourly Sound Select one of the sound files that have been stored using the Manage Audio Messages dialog in order to play back the file at every full hour.

Deactivating the Time Server

Proceed as follows to deactivate a time server:

Konfiguration sichern

Klicken Sie auf Setzen, um die Einstellungen zu aktivieren und bis zum nächsten Neustart der Kamera zu sichern.

Beenden Sie den Dialog durch Klick auf Schließen. Hierbei wird geprüft, ob Änderungen der Gesamtkonfiguration vorliegen. Ist dies der Fall, werden Sie gefragt, ob die Gesamtkonfiguration dauerhaft gesichert werden soll.

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